Four Seasons Hotels Contact Number
022-2481 8000

Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts
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Toll free Number(s):

000 800 6501418


All India Number(s):

022-2481 8000

Reservation/Customer support Mumbai

Global Locations

Argentina+0 800 222-1009
Brazil+0800 891-3581
Mexico+001 888 304-6755

Australia+1800 142 163
China North+10 800 650 0184
China South+10 800 265 0184
China (mobile)+400 148 7200
Hong Kong+800 96-8385
India+000 800 650 1418
Japan+0120 024754
Malaysia+1800 806 359
New Zealand+0800 449 286
Singapore+1800 232 5926
Taiwan+00801 65 1564

Europe/Middle East
Austria+00 800 6488-6488
Bahrain+8000 4115
Belgium+00800 64 88 64 88
Denmark+00 800 6488-6488
Egypt (Cairo)**+2510-0200 THEN DIAL +800 607-0309
Egypt (outside Cairo)**+02 2510-0200 THEN DIAL +800 607-0309
France+00 800 6488-6488
+0800 919 819
Germany+00 800 6488-6488
Ireland+00 800 6488-6488
Italy+800 791490
Morocco+65 6232 5086
The Netherlands+00 800 6488-6488
Northern Ireland+00 800 6488-6488
Norway+00 800 6488-6488
Portugal+00 800 6488-6488
Russia***+810 800 2120 1049
Spain+00 800 6488-6488
Sweden+00 800 6488-6488
Switzerland+00 800 6488-6488
Saudi Arabia+800 865 6002
South Africa+0 800 981271
United Arab Emirates+8000 65 0561
United Kingdom+00 800 6488-6488

Mumbai Address

1/136, Dr. E. Moses Road, 400 018
Worli, Mumbai, India

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