Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR)
011-2658 8895

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011-2658 8895

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ICMR Headquarter’s Scientists
Sr. No.NameDesignationDivision/CellContact NumberEmail ID
1BALRAM BHARGAVADIRECTOR GENERALDHR & ICMRPh. 011-26588204, Ph. 011-26588662secy-dg [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
2ANJU SHARMAHEADINDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH UNITPh. 011-26589384anjusharma [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
3BONTHA VEERRAJU BABUSCIENTIST G & HEADSOCIO-BEHAVIOURAL AND HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCHPh. 011-26589277babubontha [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
4MUKESH KUMARSCIENTIST G & HEADINTERNATIONAL HEALTHPh. 011-26588755mukeshk [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
5N C JAINSCIENTIST G, HEAD & CHIEF VIGILANCE OFFICERHUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENTPh. 011-26589258jainnc [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
6NEERAJ TANDONSCIENTIST G & HEADMEDICINAL PLANTS AND PUBLICATION & INFORMATIONPh. 011-26589599tandonn [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
7RAJNI KANTSCIENTIST G & HEADRESEARCH MANAGEMENT, POLICY, PLANNING AND COORDINATIONPh. 011-26589578kantr [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
8RUPINDER SINGH DHALIWALSCIENTIST G & HEADNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588942dhaliwalrs [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
9SAMIRAN PANDASCIENTIST G & HEADEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588296, Ph. 011-26588896samiranpanda [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
10ABDUL MABOOD KHANSCIENTIST GEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588296amkhan [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
11REETA RASAILYSCIENTIST G & HEADREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTH AND NUTRITIONPh. 011-26588707, Extn. 280rasailyr [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
12N S CHATTERJEESCIENTIST F & HEADBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESPh. 011-26589791, Ext. 216chatterjeens [dot] niced [at] gov [dot] in
14GEETA JOTWANISCIENTIST FBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESPh. 011-26589272jotwanig [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
15HARPREET KAURSCIENTIST FEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589699kaurh [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
16HARPREET SANDHUSCIENTIST FINTERNATIONAL HEALTHPh. 011-26589492sandhuh [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
17KAMINI WALIASCIENTIST FEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588272, Extn. 310kamini [dot] walia [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
18MANJU RAHISCIENTIST FEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588980, Extn. 244manjurahi [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
19MEENAKSHI SHARMASCIENTIST FNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-265989544meenakshis [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
20NEERU GUPTASCIENTIST FREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTHPh. 011-26588707, Extn. 263guptan [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
21NIVEDITA GUPTASCIENTIST FEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589397guptanivedita [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
22SADHANA SRIVASTAVASCIENTIST FINNOVATION & TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCHPh. 011-26589959sadhanas [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
23TANVIR KAUR GANDHISCIENTIST FNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588707, Extn. 236kaurtanvir [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
24HARPREET SINGHSCIENTIST E & HEADBIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSPh. 011-26589556harpreets [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
25APARNA MUKHERJEESCIENTIST EEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESaparna [dot] sinha [dot] deb [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
26ARVIND NATHSCIENTIST EINNOVATION & TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH011 26589334natha [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
27CHANCHAL GOYALSCIENTIST ESOCIO-BEHAVIOURAL AND HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCHPh. 011-26588590goyalc [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
28GEETIKA YADAVSCIENTIST ENON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589544yadevg [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
29JOY KUMAR CHAKMASCIENTIST ENON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589589, Extn. 232drjoyk [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
30KAVITHA RAJSEKARSCIENTIST EDHRPh. 011-23736085kavitha [dot] rajsekar [at] nic [dot] in
31LOKESH KUMAR SHARMASCIENTIST EBIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSPh. 011-26589571sharma [dot] lk [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
32MANJULA SINGHSCIENTIST EEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589505singhmanjula [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
34NEETA KUMARSCIENTIST EREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTHPh. 011-26589493kumarn [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
35PADMA SINGHSCIENTIST EDHRPh. 011-23736905padma [dot] singh [at] nic [dot] in
36V P SINGHSCIENTIST EDHRPh. 9312693163vp [dot] singh69 [at] gov [dot] in
37AMLIN SHUKLASCIENTIST DREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTHPh. 011-26588272, Extn. 369amlin [dot] shukla [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
38DEEPALI ANVIKARSCIENTIST DINDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH UNITanvikar [dot] deepali [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
39JERIN JOSE CHERIANSCIENTIST DBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESPh. 9895333890cherian [dot] jj [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
40MADHUCHHANDA DASSCIENTIST DEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26589699dasm [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
41NITIKA MONGASCIENTIST DNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588272, Extn. 430neetika [dot] monga [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
42SANCHITA SINGHSCIENTIST DDHRPh. 011-23736905singh [dot] sanchita [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
43SATYAPAL SINGH YADAVSCIENTIST DMEDICINAL PLANTSPh. 011-26588895, Ph. 011-26588980, Extn. 328yadavss [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
44STUTI S BHARGAVASCIENTIST DNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588942stuti [dot] bhargava [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
45TANU ANANDSCIENTIST DEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 9811028964tanu [dot] anand [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
48GINU SUHAIL KHANSCIENTIST CHUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT011-26588707 Ext no. 369ginu [dot] skhan [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
49GITIKA KHARKWALSCIENTIST CBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESkharkwal [dot] g [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
51HEENA TABASSUMSCIENTIST CBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESPh. 011-26588984tabassum [dot] h [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
52HEM LATASCIENTIST CADDITIONAL DG OFFICEhem [dot] lata79 [at] gov [dot] in
53MADHUMATHI JSCIENTIST CEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588296madhumathi [dot] j [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
54MANJEET SINGH CHALGASCIENTIST CE-GOVERNANCEPh 011-26589402chalgams [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
55MONIKA PAHUJASCIENTIST CBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCESPh. 011-26588984pmonika [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
56NAVEEN SHARMASCIENTIST CBIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSnaveen [dot] sharma83 [at] gov [dot] in
57NEHA DAHIYASCIENTIST CNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESExt. 430neha [dot] dahiya [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
58PRIYANKA GUPTA BANSALSCIENTIST CNUTRITIONPh. 011-23731633priyanka [dot] gb [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
59PULKIT VERMASCIENTIST CBIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSPh. 011-26589880pulkit [dot] verma [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
60RAVINDER SINGHSCIENTIST CNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESPh. 011-26588707, Extn. 270ravinders [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
61RAVLEEN KAUR BAKSHISCIENTIST CREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTH011-26588707 Ext no. 298bakshi [dot] ravleen [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
62REEMA ROSHANSCIENTIST CINTERNATIONAL HEALTHPh. 011-26589794 Extn.347reemaroshan [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
63SIDDHARTH KAPAHTIASCIENTIST CNON COMMUNICABLE DISEASESMob. 9953823227siddharth [dot] kapahtia [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
64SUMIT SURESH AGGARWALSCIENTIST CEPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNICABLE DISEASESMob. 8329944688aggarwal [dot] sumit [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
65TARUNA ARORASCIENTIST CREPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND MATERNAL HEALTH, CHILD HEALTH011-26588707 Ext no. 298arora [dot] taruna [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
66VARSHA DALALSCIENTIST CBASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES-varsha [dot] dalal [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in

Director General

Name: Prof. Balram Bhargava
Designation: Secretary, DHR & Director General ICMR
Address: Indian Council Of Medical Research Ansari Nagar
New Delhi - 110029
Discipline : Cardiovascular Diseases

Ph: 011-26588204
Fax: 011-26588662
Email: secy-dg [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in

Addl. DG, Sr. DDG(Admin), Sr. FA
Sr. No.NameDesignationContact DetailsEmail ID
1Dr G S TotejaAdditional Director General, ICMR, Head - Nutrition, Director - NIIRNCD, JodhpurPh. 011-23731633 Fax. 011-23731633, 23731634gstoteja [at] gmail [dot] com
2Dr G S G AyyangarSr Deputy Director General (Administration)Ph. 011-26589330
Fax. 011-26588102
drgsg [dot] ayyangar [at] nic [dot] in
3Shri Rajeev RoySr Financial AdvisorPh. 011-26589574rajeev [dot] roy [at] gov [dot] in

Division/CellsHeadDesignationContact DetailsInstitutes Coordinated
Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases-I (ECD-I), DivisionDr Samiran PandaSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26588296
Fax. 011-26588896
spanda [at] nariindia [dot] org
ICMR - NICED, Kolkata, ICMR - NIV, Pune, ICMR - NARI, Pune, ICMR - NIMR, Delhi, ICMR - VCRC, Puducherry, ICMR - RMRIMS, Patna, ICMR - NIE, Chennai, ICMR - RMRC, Bhubaneshwar, ICMR - RMRC, Gorakhpur
Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases-II (ECD-II), DivisionDr A M KhanSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26588296
amkhan [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
ICMR - NIRT, Chennai, ICMR - NJIL&OMD, Agra, ICMR - NIMS, Delhi, ICMR - NIRTH, Jabalpur, ICMR - RMRC, Port Blair
Non Communicable Diseases (NCD), DivisionDr R S DhaliwalSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589811, 26588381
Fax. 011-26588381
dhaliwalrs [at] icmr [dot] org [dot] in
ICMR - NIOH, Ahmedabad , ICMR - NICPR, Noida, ICMR - RMRI, Dibrugarh, ICMR - DMRC, Jodhpur, ICMR - NICDIR, Bengaluru, ICMR - NIREH, Bhopal
Reproductive Biology, Maternal Health and Child Health (RBMH&CH), DivisionDr R S SharmaSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589647, 26589270
Fax. 011-26589270
head [dot] rbmh [at] gmail [dot] com
sharmars [at] icmr [dot] org [dot] in
ICMR - NIRRH, Mumbai, ICMR - NAFBR, Hyderabad
Basic Medical Sciences (BMS), DivisionDr Vijay KumarSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589791
kumarvijay [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
ICMR - NIIH, Mumbai, ICMR - NIP, Delhi , ICMR – NITM, Belagavi
Nutrition, DivisionDr G S TotejaSCIENTIST 'H' & HEADPh. 011-23731633
Fax. 011-23731633, 23731634
gstoteja [at] gmail [dot] com
ICMR - NIN, Hyderabad
Socio-Behavioural & Health Systems Research (SB&HSR), DivisionDr Bontha V BabuSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589277
babubontha [at] gmail [dot] com
Publication & Information (P&I), DivisionDr Neeraj TandonSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589599
Fax. 011-26589599
tandonn [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
tanneeraj [at] gmail [dot] com
Medicinal Plants (MPD), DivisionDr Neeraj TandonSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589599
Fax. 011-26589599
tandonn [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
tanneeraj [at] gmail [dot] com
Human Resource Planning and Development (HRD), DivisionDr N C JainSCIENTIST 'G' , HEAD & CHIEF VIGILANCE OFFICERPh. 011-26589258
drencejain [at] gmail [dot] com
International Health (IHD), DivisionDr Mukesh KumarSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26588755
mukeshk [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
Research Management, Policy, Planning and Coordination (RMPCC), CellDr Rajni KantSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589578
Fax. 011-26589258
rajnikant [dot] srivastava [at] gmail [dot] com
kantr [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR), CellDr Anju SharmaSCIENTIST 'G' & HEADPh. 011-26589384
anjusharma [dot] hq [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
Informatics, Systems & Research Management (ISRM), CellDr Harpreet SinghSCIENTIST 'E' & HEADPh. 011-26589880
hsingh [at] bmi [dot] icmr [dot] org [dot] in

Institutes/Regional Medical Research Centres
Sr. No.NameDesignationContact DetailsEmail ID
1Dr Shripad A PatilScientist G & Director, ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases, AgraPh. 0562-2331751
Fax. 0562-2331755
shripad [dot] patil [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
2Dr Kamalesh SarkarScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health, AhmedabadPh. 079-22688711, 22686142
Fax. 079- 22688710
Mob. 09432674230
PS to Director. 079-22688709, 22688340
director-nioh [at] gov [dot] in
3Dr Prashant MathurScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research, BengaluruMob 09449067643director [at] ncdirindia [dot] org
4Dr Prabha DesikanScientist G & Director, ICMR-Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Center, Bhopal09425017316prabhadesikan [at] yahoo [dot] com
5Dr Rajnarayan TiwariScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health, BhopalPh. 09479787480
Fax. 0755-2533976
tiwari [dot] rr [at] gov [dot] in
6Dr Manoj Vasant MurhekarScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, ChennaiPh. 044-26136204
Fax. 044-26820464
director [dot] nie [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
7Dr Manoj Vasant MurhekarScientist G & Director (Addl. charge), ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, ChennaiPh. 044-28369500
Fax. 044-28362528, 28262529
directornirt [at] nirt [dot] res [dot] in
8Dr Aparup DasScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tribal Health, JabalpurPh. 0761-2370800
Fax. 0761-2672239
Mob. 09968074889
aparupdas [at] nirth [dot] res [dot] in, director [at] nirth [dot] res [dot] in
9Dr Hemalatha RScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, HyderabadPh. 040-27197297
Fax. 040-27019074
directornin [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
10Dr Suresh PothaniScientist G & Director-in-Charge, ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research, HyderabadPh. 040-27197201
Fax. 040-27003317
sureshpothani [dot] narfbr [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
11Dr Shanta DuttaScienitst G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, KolkataPh. 033-2363 3373, 23701176
Fax. 033-2363 2398, 2370 5066
shanta [dot] niced [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
12Dr Smita MahaleScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, MumbaiPh. 022-24192002
Fax. 022-24139412
dir [at] nirrh [dot] res [dot] in
13Dr Manisha MadkaikarScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology, MumbaiPh. 022-24138518
Fax. 022-24138521
madkaikarm [at] icmr [dot] org [dot] in
14Dr Amit Prakash SharmaScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research, New DelhiPh. 011-25307105, 25307103-104director [at] mrcindia [dot] org
15Dr Nasreen Z EhteshamScientist G & Director-in-charge, ICMR-National Institute of Pathology, New DelhiPh. 011-26198402
Fax. 011-26198401
nzehtesham [at] gmail [dot] com
16Dr M Vishnu Vardhan RaoScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Medical Statistics, New DelhiPh. 011-26588803
Fax. 011-26589635
nims [dot] director [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
17Dr Shalini SinghScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, NoidaPh. 0120-2578837
Fax. 0120-2579473
director [dot] nicpr [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
18Dr Pradeep DasScientist G & Director, ICMR-Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, PatnaPh. 0612-2631565
Fax. 0612-2634379
drpradeep [dot] das [at] gmail [dot] com
19Dr Ashwani KumarScientist G & Director, ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre, PuducherryPh. 0413-2272396
Fax. 0413-2272041
director [dot] vcrc [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
20Dr Priya AbrahamScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Virology, PunePh. 020-25880982
Fax. 020-26122669
priya [dot] abraham [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
21Dr Samiran PandaScientist G & Director, ICMR-National AIDS Research Institute, PunePh. 020 27331329, 23771200
Fax. 020-27121071
spanda [at] nariindia [dot] org
22Dr Debprasad ChattopadhyayScientist G & Director, ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine, BelagaviPh. 0831- 475477, 2475478
Fax. 0831-2475479
director [dot] nitm [dot] bg [at] gmail [dot] com
23Dr Sanghamitra PatiScientist G & Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BhubaneswarPh. 0674-2301322, 2301332
Fax. 0674-2301351
dir [dot] rmrcb [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in
24Dr Kanwar NarainScientist G & Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, NE Region, DibrugarhPh. 0373-2381591
Fax. 0373-2381748
Mob. 09435334901
knarain [dot] rmrcne [at] gov [dot] in
25Dr Rajni KantScientist G & Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, GorakhpurPh. 011-26589578
Fax. 011-26589258
rajnikant [dot] srivastava [at] gmail [dot] com
26Dr G S TotejaScientist H & Director, ICMR- National Institute for Implementation Research on Non-Communicable Diseases, JodhpurPh. 0291-2722403
Fax. 0291-2720618
dir [at] dmrcjodhpur [dot] nic [dot] in
27Dr P VijayachariScientist G & Director, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Port BlairPh. 03192-251158
Fax. 03192-251163
vijayachari [dot] p [at] icmr [dot] gov [dot] in


Indian Council of Medical Research
V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, P.O. Box No. 4911
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029, India
Ph: 011-26588895 / 011-26588980,
011-26589794 / 011-26589336, 011-26588707
Fax: 011-26588662.

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